You shouldn't need to recreate the infrastructure of the Gates Foundation to be as effective a donor
Kyn helps you connect with the experts and top funders in the causes and charitable sectors you care most about. We can't all work on our philanthropy full-time, but that doesn't mean we can't maximize our outcomes when we do.
MISSION Democratize Philanthropy
Unless you have a foundation with staff or can afford philanthropy advisors, the process of finding and supporting the most effective nonprofits is difficult, often uninspiring, and can take many individuals out of starting their philanthropic journey altogether.
We think effective, strategic philanthropy should be accessible to donors of all sizes
METHODS Technology + Community
We leverage two fundamental technology-based concepts at The Kyn Project. The first is the power of the Internet to bring ideas and people together to strenghthen communities and share knowledge. The second is the power of open systems and APIs to eliminate inefficiencies. We envision a world where your donor advised fund no longer has a minimum grant size, and online donations come without transaction fees.
Technology reduces inefficiencies, community maximizes effectiveness

The modern way to discover
Kyn's technology aggregates grants funded by experienced philanthropists from all corners of the charitable world. We send you a personalized subset of these professionally vetted nonprofits on a quarterly basis.

Facebook built the Social Graph and LinkedIn the Business Graph. The Kyn Project is building the Giving Graph.
Transact with ease
Kyn Coinvest makes it one-click easy to donate to portfolios of professionally vetted grants and other philanthropic opportunities. We strive to reduce or eliminate transaction fees with integrated Bitcoin, Dwolla, and the ability to donate direct from your donor-advised fund account.

You know all those mailings you get from nonprofits you've supported? That's called cultivation, and we think there's a better way. Keep control of your privacy, while allowing nonprofits to keep you informed and engaged at the level you choose.

We think you'll be amazed at just how much you can accomplish with the help of the Kyn community, but when you're ready to explore some of the more advanced philanthropic vehicles or hone your focus, we'll help you get in touch with the right advisor.